Maginty ’93 & Jules ’99 Design for “Women in Abstract Expressionism”

women of abstract expressionism

Rita Jules ‘99 and Miko McGinty ’93 designed the catalog for the exhibition “Women in Abstract Expressionism, organized by the Denver Art Museum, opening on June 12, 2016.  The lead designer for the book is Rita Jules. The catalog is published by the Yale University Press. The groundbreaking exhibition Women of Abstract Expressionism will celebrate the often unknown female artists of this mid-twentieth-century art …

Margot McMahon ’84mfa | Oak Park Art League’s ARTifact

This July we celebrate ”Artifact” an Oak Park Art League Invitational.  Margot McMahon ’84 MFA, will sculpt as her nonviolence statement a young Hemingway at the time he wrote his legendary novel “A Farewell to Arms”, around a Coronoa 3 typwriter. Her sculpted portrait is focused around an Oak Park ARTifact, a similar typewriter to Hemingway’s loaned by Peritz Brothers …

Marta Kuzma Named Dean of Yale School of Art

marta kuzma

February 9 2016 Marta Kuzma, vice chancellor and rector of the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm, Sweden, will be the next dean of the Yale School of Art, announced President Peter Salovey Feb. 9 in a message to the Yale community. Kuzma will be the first woman to lead the School of Art, which opened in 1869 as the …

Contemporary Crossroads | Art Basel Miami

Contemporary Crossroads Art Basel Miami December 4, 2015 Ritz Carlton, South Beach Miami The Yale Alumni Art League hosted its 3rd symposium! Yale alumni and friends spent the day with world class alumni and specialists in the Arts to get an in-depth look into the contemporary arts scene during the internationally acclaimed Art Basel Miami. The symposium programming spoke to …