Tunji Adeniyi-Jones ’17 MFA at the 2024 Venice Biennale

Tunji Adeniyi-Jones ’17 MFA is one of 9 Yale artists at the 2024 Venice Biennale. Representing Nigeria, Jones’ work is included in the exhibition titled Nigeria Imaginary, where Jones reimagines Nigerian Modernism in a new piece, “Celestial Gathering.” The pavilion can be found Palazzo Canal, Dorsoduro 3121 (Rio terà Canal). In a video interview on the exhibit, Jones has said, …

Darja Bajagić ’14MFA at the 2024 Venice Biennale

Darja Bajagić ‘14 MFA is one of 9 Yale alumni artists featured in the 2024 Venice Biennale. Her exhibit, It Takes an Island to Feel This Good, is included in Montenegro’s national pavilion, which you can find at Ospedaletto, Castello 6691 (Barbaria delle Tole). In an interview with ArtReview on the exhibit, Bajagić has said My exhibition … presents a critical …